Robert J Wardell

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information

  • Birthday Date June 11, 1950 (74 years)
  • Phone 3034943285
  • Address 88 Illini Ct, Boulder, CO 80303, USA


Person Details

Robert's age is 74 and their dob is June 11, 1950. Kathryn A Wardell is the likely spouse of this person. Other names that this individual goes by include Robert Wardell.


This person is a homeowner or tenant at 88 Illini Court Boulder. The latitude and longitude of the address are given as 39.987622 and -105.2261539. The UTM coordinates that will help you find the location of the address are: 480692.07703022 (easting), 4426407.8708579 (northing), 13S (zone). Wardell is a resident of the Keewayden. You can rent two beds for $1,800, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This person's residence is situated in Boulder. You'll have to spend $1,724 to rent two bedrooms in Boulder.


3034943285 is the number to reach this person. The phone number is a Landline number. The service provider for this phone number is Qwest Corporation. The rate center associated with this number is in Denver. The OSN code 9636 is used to identify the phone's provider specifically. The standard method for writing this phone number in international format is +1 (303) 494-3285.

Previous Locations

Wardell has lived in a number of different places, including four previous addresses. These are the addresses that this person has previously called home: 236 S Cleveland Ave, Louisville, 3275 Endicott Dr, Boulder and 4288 Graham Ct, Boulder, CO 80305.

Possible Connections

Mr. Wardell, Robt Wardell are also residents at this address. It is alleged that Ms. Wardell and Kathryn Ann Wardell own 1-303-494-32-85. Along with this person, Dan Zhang (in 2011) and Robert Joseph Wardell (between 2010 and 2014) shared a residence at 1290 Judson Dr, Boulder, CO 80305. The name Robert J Wardell is shared by people residing in Colorado.

Previous Addresses 4

236 S Cleveland Ave, Louisville, CO 80027

Lived here at 2018

3275 Endicott Dr, Boulder, CO 80305

Lived from 2010 to 2014 4 years

4288 Graham Ct, Boulder, CO 80305

Lived from 2010 to 2014 4 years

1290 Judson Dr, Boulder, CO 80305

Lived from 2010 to 2014 4 years

Phone 1

+1 (303) 494-3285
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Landline


  • Kathryn A Wardell
    , 236 S Cleveland Ave, Louisville, CO 80027


  • Robert Wardell

Lived Together at 3275 Endicott Dr, Boulder, CO 80305 1

Lived Together at 4288 Graham Ct, Boulder, CO 80305 1


  • last updated on November 14, 2023 at 11:02 PM (PST)