Kathleen L Opp

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information


Person Details

Opp's age is 60 and their dob is 02/05/64. It is probable that William Rory Opp (age: 57 year old) is the spouse of Opp. Other monikers for Kathleen include Kathleen L Lee, Kathy Opp, Kathleen Opp, Kathleen Louise Lee, Kathleen Lee, Kathleen L Opp, K L Opp.


The address for Kathleen is 2932 Glenwood Drive Boulder. The coordinates 40.032125 latitude and -105.254881 longitude represent the location of the address. The UTM/Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates that will help you find the location of the address are: 478253.62088433 (easting), 4431353.9017464 (northing), 13T (zone). This individual is a resident of the Glenwood Grove - North Iris. You can rent two beds for $1,880, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Boulder is where this person lives and calls home. The cost of two bedroom rentals in Boulder is currently set at $1,724.


There are 6 phone numbers belonging to this person, and two of them are 1-303-245-90-59 or 303-4478-915. A brief summary of 3032459059. The phone number is a Landline number. The phone number's service provider is Qwest Corporation due to a contract. This phone number is connected to a rate center in Denver. The OSN code 9636 belongs to the phone's provider. The global format for this phone number is +1 (303) 447-8915. You can contact Kathleen Opp at either [email protected] or [email protected].

Previous Locations

This person has had 5 different residences in the past. The following addresses are part of this person's residential history: 1506 Tanager Pl, Longmont, 237 Sorento Pl, Longmont and 6102 Terry Ct, Golden.

Possible Connections

The address is home to several other residents, such as Scott Eugene Frohardt, Ms. Frohardt, Randolph Opp. Multiple sources link 1-303-245-90-59 to John Opp and Mr. Crawford. It has been recorded that 4 phone numbers are linked to 11 individuals, John Opp and Mr. Crawford among them. Further details on other numbers that may be associated with Kathleen can be found below. You can find people with the same name, Kathleen L Opp, in Colorado, South Dakota, Michigan, New Jersey.

Previous Addresses 5

1506 Tanager Pl, Longmont, CO 80504

Lived here at 2003

237 Sorento Pl, Longmont, CO 80504

Lived here at 2003

6102 Terry Ct, Golden, CO 80403

Lived here at 2000

835 W Quincy Ave, Englewood, CO 80110

Lived here at 2000

1053 Ivy Ln, Ashland, OR 97520

Lived here at 1991

Phones 6

+1 (303) 245-9059
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Landline
+1 (303) 447-8915
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Landline
+1 (303) 682-9411
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Landline
+1 (303) 781-7620
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Landline
+1 (303) 868-8229
  • Mobile operator Cellco Partnership
  • Type Cell
+1 (720) 888-7028
  • Mobile operator Level 3 Communications, LLC
  • Type Landline


  • William Rory Opp
    57 years, 1506 Tanager Pl, Longmont, CO 80504


  • Kathleen L Lee
  • Kathy Opp
  • Kathleen Opp
  • Kathleen Louise Lee
  • Kathleen Lee
  • Kathleen L Opp
  • K L Opp


  • last updated on November 13, 2023 at 1:20 AM (PST)