Justin Ray Apple

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information


Person Details

This individual is 46 years old and their birthday is Jun 13, 1978. Other names that Justin is known by include Justin R Apple, Justin Raey Apple, Justin Ray Apple.


Justin Ray Apple's dwelling is located at 2704 Juniper Ave, Boulder, CO 80304. The coordinates 40.0375564 latitude and -105.2609006 longitude mark the location of the address on the map. The Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates that will lead you to the address are: 477741.79538342 (easting), 4431958.225681 (northing), 13T (zone). The Glenwood Grove - North Iris is Justin Apple's home base. A two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood will cost $1,880 to rent, based on the recent rent data published by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Boulder is the county of this person's residence. The cost of 2 bdrms rentals in Boulder is $1,724.


The phone numbers for this person are 7202986919 or +1 (720) 406-0050, you can use either to reach them. An overview of 7202986919. The phone number is a Cell phone. This number is connected to Leap Wireless Intl, Inc. DBA Cricket Comm, Inc.. The location of the rate center for this telephone number is Denver. The phone's provider has been given the OSN code 6010 to identify it among other providers. The preferred international way to format this phone number is +1 (720) 298-6919. You can correspond with Apple by email at [email protected]. Mr. Apple has 2 PO boxes in their possession, including: Po Box 219, Eldorado Springs, CO 80025-0219, Po Box 4081, Boulder, CO 80306-4081.

Previous Locations

Justin has a history of moving around, with 10 former addresses. The following locations are included in this individual's residential history: 3050 Corona Trail #106, Boulder, CO 80301, 1775 Linden Ave, Boulder and 2567 Crestridge Ct, Boulder.

Possible Connections

The address is home to several individuals, including Robin Marietta Chavez, Duncan Holmes, Trevor William Reed. There are reports that 1-720-406-00-50 is in the possession of Joesph Self and Joseph Lee Self. Justin Apple, Alex T Duvall (in 2009), and Elizabeth Hill (in 2007) shared a living space at 24301 E Truman Rd, Independence, MO 64056. It is possible that the individuals listed below may also be familiar with this person. Several individuals with the name Justin Ray Apple reside in Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Michigan.

Previous Addresses 10

3050 Corona Trail #106, Boulder, CO 80301

Lived from 2012 to 2016 4 years 6 months

1775 Linden Ave, Boulder, CO 80304

Lived here at 2011

2567 Crestridge Ct, Boulder, CO 80302

Lived here at 2007

721 Cota Ave, Torrance, CA 90501

Lived here at 2006

4240 E Co Rd 66, Wellington, CO 80549

Lived here at 2006

18404 Holke Rd, Independence, MO 64057

Lived here at 2006

22413 Ocean Ave #57, Torrance, CA 90505

Lived here at 2004

690 10th St, Boulder, CO 80302

Lived from 2003 to 2005 1 year 1 month

3014 Veteran Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90034

Lived from 2003 to 2008 4 years 7 months

298 Arapahoe Ave #4, Boulder, CO 80302

Lived from 2003 to 2004 1 year 8 months

PO Boxes 2

Po Box 219, Eldorado Springs, CO 80025-0219

The person had a PO Box from 2003 to 2005

Po Box 4081, Boulder, CO 80306-4081

The person had a PO Box from 2011 to 2012

Phones 2

+1 (720) 298-6919
  • Mobile operator Leap Wireless Intl, Inc
  • Type Cell
+1 (720) 406-0050
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Landline


  • Justin R Apple
  • Justin Raey Apple
  • Justin Ray Apple


  • last updated on November 13, 2023 at 5:32 PM (PST)