Robin Dale Marlar

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information


Person Details

Marlar is seventy-one years old, and their dob is 07.28.53. The data seems to indicate that Ms. Marlar and Christina N Cordova (age: 38 years) are married. Other monikers for Ms. Marlar include Robin D Marlar JR, Robin Madlang, Robin Dale Madlang, Robin Dale Madlong, Robin Cantero, Robin D Cordova, Robin D Cantero, Robin Dale Cantero, Robin D Madlang JR, Robin Marlar JR, Robin Madlang JR.


This person resides in a dwelling at 2939 Marine St, Boulder, CO 80303. The geocoordinates for the address are 40.0138306 latitude and -105.256599 longitude. To locate the address, use the following Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates: 478101.19329973 (easting), 4429323.8114788 (northing), 13T (zone). Robin Marlar is a dweller of the East Boulder locality. A two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood will cost $1,800 to rent, based on the fair rent data from the US United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Boulder is where this person lives and calls home. You'll be paying $1,724 for two bedroom rentals in Boulder.


There are 6 phone numbers belonging to Ms. Marlar, and two of them are 3032421529 or 303-2842-851. A brief overview of +1 (303) 242-1529. The Landline type of phone numbers includes this phone number. The phone number is under a contract with Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC. The rate center for this phone number is located in Denver. The Operating Company Number code for the phone's provider is listed as 7229. To write this phone number in the accepted international format, use +1 (303) 681-1055. 7 email addresses are at Ms. Marlar's disposal. The email addresses [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] have been included on this list. More information is available below. Ms. Marlar owns several PO boxes, totaling two. A few of them are: Po Box 3625, Houston, TX 77253-3625, Po Box 1474, Glenwood Springs, CO 81602-1474.

Previous Locations

Robin Dale Marlar has had several different addresses in the past, including ten. This person has previously lived at the following addresses: 1811 Folsom St #112, Boulder, CO 80302, 4957 10th St, Boulder, CO 80304 and 311 Pearl St #1, Boulder, CO 80302.

Possible Connections

The address is home to several other residents, such as Ms. Berestan, Matthew Richard Olivier, Ms. Sole. It is possible that Robin Dale Marlar, Sandra Y Willman (54years), Sandra Yvonne Willman (fifty-fouryears) are connected. It's possible that 1-303-284-28-51 is owned by someone other than the person currently listed as the owner, such as Leticia Martinez and Rene Hurtado. A total of 8 phone numbers have been linked to 11 individuals, Leticia Martinez and Ms. Hurtado included, according to public records. More information on other numbers that may be associated with Robin Dale Marlar can be found below. Christina N Cordova (in 2008), Christina N Cordova (in 2008), and Ms. Marlar shared a building at 1035 Park W Dr, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601, USA. Individuals named Robin Dale Marlar are residents of Texas, California, Illinois, South Carolina.

Previous Addresses 10

1811 Folsom St #112, Boulder, CO 80302

Lived here at 2011

4957 10th St, Boulder, CO 80304

Lived from 2010 to 2012 1 year 7 months

311 Pearl St #1, Boulder, CO 80302

Lived from 2010 to 2011 1 year 8 months

3214 Grand Ave #A, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

Lived here at 2009 6 months

2625 Woodberry Dr, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

Lived here at 2008

1035 Park W Dr, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

Lived from 2007 to 2008 4 months

7420 E Quincy Ave #507, Denver, CO 80237

Lived here at 2007 1 month

569 Elk Mountain Dr, Redstone, CO 81623

Lived here at 2007 6 months

800 Sparta Dr, Lafayette, CO 80026

Lived from 2005 to 2018 13 years

10375 E Harvard Ave, Denver, CO 80231

Lived here at 2000

PO Boxes 2

Po Box 3625, Houston, TX 77253-3625

The person owned a PO Box in 1998

Po Box 1474, Glenwood Springs, CO 81602-1474

The person owned a PO Box in 2009

Phones 6

+1 (303) 242-1529
  • Mobile operator Mcimetro Access Transmission Services, LLC
  • Type Landline
+1 (303) 284-2851
  • Mobile operator Comcast Phone Of Colorado, LLC
  • Type Landline
+1 (303) 440-8555
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Landline
+1 (303) 442-4506
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Landline
+1 (303) 506-5829
  • Mobile operator New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC
  • Type Cell
+1 (303) 506-5832
  • Mobile operator New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC
  • Type Cell


  • Christina N Cordova
    38 years, 1313 Xenia St, Denver, CO 80220

AKA 11

  • Robin D Marlar JR
  • Robin Madlang
  • Robin Dale Madlang
  • Robin Dale Madlong
  • Robin Cantero
  • Robin D Cordova
  • Robin D Cantero
  • Robin Dale Cantero
  • Robin D Madlang JR
  • Robin Marlar JR
  • Robin Madlang JR

Lived Together at 1035 Park W Dr, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 2

Lived Together at 3005 Moorhead Ave, Boulder, CO 80305 1


  • last updated on November 13, 2023 at 9:45 PM (PST)