Gertrude C Pedersen

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information

  • Birthday Date February 03, 1934 (90 years)
  • Email [email protected]
  • Phone 3034447555
  • Address 2800 Carriage Hills Dr, Boulder, CO 80302, USA


Person Details

Pedersen's age is 90 and their dob is 1934-02-03. Other names that Pedersen is known to be referred to as include Gertrude Pedersen.


This person's domicile is situated at 2800 Carriage Hills Dr, Boulder, CO 80302, USA. The house belonging to this individual is located at this address. The GPS coordinates of the address are 40.0736293 latitude and -105.3332712 longitude. The UTM/Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates that will help you find the location of the address are: 471582.62103787 (easting), 4435982.6094025 (northing), 13T (zone). According to the fair rent data provided by the HUD, it will cost $1,970 to rent a two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood. This person calls Boulder their home. You'll be paying $1,724 for two bedroom rentals in Boulder.


Their phone number is 303-4447-555. The phone number is designated as a Landline number. The phone number is under a contract with Qwest Corporation. The rate center for this phone number is situated in Denver. The phone's provider is identified by the unique OSN code of 9636. To write this phone number in the global format, use +1 (303) 444-7555. Gertrude Pedersen's preferred method of communication is email at [email protected]. Gertrude Pedersen owns several post office boxes, totaling two. A few of them include: Po Box 38, Boulder, CO 80306-0038, Po Box 3374, Idyllwild, CA 92549-3374.


Gertrude Pedersen received an officially recognized license with the number 0007347008. The license is of type Vanity . The type description of license mentioned in this document is personal use. It was acknowledged to be the case during our last check that the license status is active. The Federal Communications Commission has officially recorded K0XYL in their records as the call sign. This license is identified by the FCC registration number (FRN) 0007347008. The license records the address of 2800 Carriage Hills Dr, Boulder.

Previous Locations

Gertrude C Pedersen's home used to be at 19617 Pine Valley Ave, Northridge, CA 91326.

Possible Connections

Another person is also a resident at the same address — Mr. Pedersen. John S Pedersen is a eighty-eight-year-old adult. It has been suggested that Scott Dale and John S Pedersen own 303-4447-555. Pedersen, Debra Weiss (between 1991 and 1993), and Amina H Mulla (in 1990) shared a building at 19617 Pine Valley Ave, Northridge, CA 91326. You can find people with the name Gertrude C Pedersen in Nebraska, Illinois, District of Columbia, New Jersey, Connecticut.

Previous Addresses 1

19617 Pine Valley Ave, Northridge, CA 91326

Lived from 1973 to 1993 20 years 5 months

PO Boxes 2

Po Box 38, Boulder, CO 80306-0038

The person owned a PO Box in 1993

Po Box 3374, Idyllwild, CA 92549-3374

The person owned a PO Box in 1994

Phone 1

+1 (303) 444-7555
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Landline

License 1

Vanity 0007347008 Pedersen, Gertrude C

  • License ID0007347008
  • FRN0007347008
  • CallSignK0XYL
  • DescriptionPersonal Use
  • NamePedersen, Gertrude C
  • TypeVanity
  • StatusActive
  • Address2800 Carriage Hills Dr, Boulder


  • Gertrude Pedersen


  • last updated on November 13, 2023 at 9:13 PM (PST)