Julie Samis

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information

  • Birthday Date June 30, 1958 (66 years)
  • Address 4172 Piedra Ct, Boulder, CO 80301, USA


Person Details

This person is 66 years old, and their date of birth is June 30, 1958.


This person lives in a house at 4172 Piedra Court Boulder. This person's house is situated at this address. The coordinates 40.046692 latitude and -105.257228 longitude give the location of the address. The UTM coordinates that will help you find the address are: 478058.04484159 (easting), 4432971.2857533 (northing), 13T (zone). This individual is a dweller of the Palo Park. A two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood can be rented for $1,880, based on fair rent data from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Boulder is the county in which this individual lives. To rent two bedrooms in Boulder, the cost is $1,724.

Possible Connections

The address is shared by several occupants, including Ginia Cleeves, V A Cleeves, Virginia A Cleeves. There are people with the same name, Julie Samis, living in Colorado, California, Ohio.


  • last updated on November 14, 2023 at 4:05 PM (PST)