Jeanine Deeb

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information

  • Address 1828 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO 80302, USA



Jeanine Deeb lives at the address 1828 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO 80302, USA. The latitude and longitude of the address are given as 40.014313 and -105.270939. To locate the address, use the following UTM/Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates: 476877.54272051 (easting), 4429380.9759243 (northing), 13T (zone). A two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood will cost $1,970 to rent, based on the fair rent data from the US United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Boulder is the county where this individual resides. The price for two bedroom rentals in Boulder is currently set at $1,724.

Possible Connections

Josie Isabella Anderson, Nicholas John Gates, Sierra Gladfelter are among the occupants of the shared address. The name Jeanine Deeb is shared by several people living in Colorado, California.


  • last updated on November 15, 2023 at 4:17 AM (PST)